cloudgate SaaS is evolving into an AI

Experience AI customer service efficiency integrated through cloudgate.

If the thingsbelow apply to your company,


Are you operating call and chat conversations seperately?
Are repeating CS enquiries causing inefficiencies while working?
Are Kakao, Naver TalkTalk, and other CS channels managed seperately?
Are you looking for reasonable payment plans & smart CS features?

cloudgate AI Service

Time-saving AI

AI conversation summary

The call & chat information between customer and agent are automatically summarized and analyzed by the feature provided. Through this, long conversations could be summarized into a short passage, allowing agents to quickly analyze and obtain key contexts from their conversation with ease.

Call service context into chats

AI call STT

Provision of technology that converts conversations between customerrs and agents at call centers into text in real time.
Through this, CS processes wiuld become automated,
allowing for conversation contexts to be recorded
and dealt with later.

Reduce work stress by utilizing AI

AI answer recommendation

Generates responses automatically for frequently
asked enquiries and provides it.
This would reduce the burden on the agents,
leading to customers receiving faster and
more accurate responses.

cloudgate SaaS contains all the features required for customer services.

All in One
Chatbot + Call + Chat + KakaoTalk + Naver Talk etc.

Call + Chat
Unified Channel
Statistics Analysis

Call chat integrated counseling service

Through call & chat unified
management minimize
customer service durations.

No need to operate calls and chats seperately
combining them makes managing more convenient.

Chatbot solves customer queries

Using chatbots resolve
80% of
customer inquiries
around the clock.

Chatbot features allow customer enquiries to be resolved
reduce CS duration and increase work productivity.

All the counseling channels are one

Scattered customer service channels all brought together on to one screen total management of Kakaotalk, Navertalk, etc.

Unify various channel's enquiries onto a single screen
makes responding easier, reducing work durations significantly.

Statistical services for quality improvement

Helps improve CS quality customer service live status analysis leads to increase in sales.

Performance analysis, CS analysis, chat statistics features
allows repeated suggestions & problems to be determined,
then helps find solutions for those services.

Why cloudgate?

Over 3,000 brands
are currently working with cloudgate.

Efficiency when service is integrated.

How many time is saved after using cloudgate has been utilized?

0 Min

Average daily work time saved


Percentage of reduced work time

0 Cases

Average number of incoming calls

Yellow Bus Interview

It can handle multiple customers at once delayed consultation with quick customer response I improved it Parents” satisfaction has gone up.

Based on the operation solution of the school vehicle, the Yellow Bus provides consignment operation services We provide a total solution service for the operation of school vehicles Multiple customer response, quick customer response, and logical guidelines at the same time Customer satisfaction has increased through process improvement for responsive customer management.

Representative customer case

cloudgate helps you everywhere 
you need to manage your customers. 

Customer case

I asked the customer!
Why did you choose cloudgate?

Interviews with a wide variety of
customers who have chosen cloudgate
check it out and help you choose your service.

Customer service’s importance

cloudgate always meets future trends
in contact center solution.

The costs incurred on accquiring new customers was 5 times more than the costs incurred on retaining current customers, customer service affects both accquisition of new customers & retaining current customers.

Social issues related to AI

A big concern for many was the issue that “AI steals workplaces” as it has been causing lots of controversy nowadays However, call center retirement rates have rather decreased by 30% trends show that emotional customer services’ importance has shown to be rising.


AI agents deployment before and after changes in contact centers.

2.6% → 1.8%

Retirement rate after
introduction of counseling.

180 → 100min

Before and after changes in customer service durations.

Interests related to artificial intelligence (AI)

For cloudgate, instead of replacing
CS agents with AI solutions
we co-prosper with agents,
and support
solutions that both
clients and agents are satisfied with.

cloudgate uses the AI engine
to provide optimized responses.

cloudgate Service Consultation

Features, prices, and any other things that you are curious
about enquire to our solution experts.